Managing Successful Transformations

People, Leadership & Culture
Master the complexities of digital transformations with Managing Successful Transformations (MST) training. From vision redefinition to technology adoption, enhance your leadership and strategic skills over three expert-led days.
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The Training

In today's rapidly changing business environment, digital transformations are essential. These transformations are complex and in order to succeed, a clear approach is needed. Ensure the future of your organization with the Managing Successful Transformations 3.0 (MST) training.

From redefining a companyโ€™s vision to restructuring operations or implementing new technologies: digital transformations are even more difficult than many other change efforts, due to the increased organizational impact. Still, every organization must evolve to remain competitive and meet customer needs.

Successful transformations require strong leadership, effective communication, strategic planning and a willingness to adapt to new circumstances. During our expert level training, you will discover what it takes and how to improve your skills.

Over the course of three days, we will dive into:

  • A programmatic approach towards transformations
  • Understanding of transformation management
  • Leading change models (e.g. Kotter)
  • Determining your change vision
  • Building knowledge on how to transform, regardless the solution
  • How to successfully govern a transformation
  • Managing stakeholders effectively
  • Getting results fast and gaining more momentum for change
  • Measure the progress and success
  • Sustaining the change in the organization
  • Work hands-on on your own transformation plan

For whom?

If you are involved with transforming organizations and products that span all levels of the organization: this is the training for you. In the past, participants in the role of Chief Transformation Officer, Executive- and HR Leaders, Head of (A)PMO and Portfolio-, Product-, Program-, and Change managers attended MST.


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